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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Best Resolution For Error 4202 Of Outlook Account

Error 4202 MS Outlook account is synchronized by Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector with Windows Live Hotmail account. A Hotmail connector is totally free add-in utility within Outlook which enables users to operate hotmail account in Microsoft Outlook. But you encounter an error named error 4202 while synchronization process. Sometimes, when outlook is in the process of synchronizing with hotmail send or receive error arises resulting in the...

Monday, 3 April 2017

Outlook Error 0x8004102a : Method To Repair It

Error 0x8004102a Most of the users use Microsoft Outlook for sending and receiving emails because it is a powerful and reliable email application which manages all Outlook items in a planned way. However, you may face some problems while using this application. And so error 0x8004102a is a typical error which occurs while synching Hotmail account in Outlook using Outlook Hotmail Connector and the error message which appears is as follow: “Task...

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Know How To Solve Outlook Error 0x800ccc6f

What is Error 0x800ccc6f? Error 0x800ccc6f is an outlook error arising due to server problem or may be improper connection between Outlook application and email server. Or if connection between Outlook and server fails. And when this error occur you will not be able to send or receive emails. You cannot retrieve data stored within PST files. The following error message is generated due to this error : “Task XXXX - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC6F)...