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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

What to do when Scanpst.exe does not fix the Outlook issues

Microsoft Outlook had introduced an inbox repair tool called scanpst.exe to fix the Outlook issues. Scanpst is used when Outlook fails to function properly due to some internal problems or when the PST files gets corrupted. The PST files are very crucial since Outlook stores all its data in these files. So any damage to the PST files will lead to complete data loss and might upset the Outlook users. Moreover Outlook is being used by most...

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Download Scanpst.exe in Outlook 2013

Are you trying to use Scanpst in Outlook 2013 but unable to find it ? Here you get its location !!! Outlook 2013 stores its data in the pst files which are frequently used. Because of its excessive usage, they are prone to errors. Any damage to these pst files might put the users in high risk as these files are being used by them for both personal and business purposes. But users need not worry as similar to older Outlook versions, Outlook...